Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

Kenitu Fruit Benefit

The fruit is a fruit that resembles apples, but this unique fruit is very difficult to find if not in season. Scientifically this fruit has its name Chrysophyllum cainito, kenitu also commonly called the genitu, manicu, sawo manila and so forth. In some countries it can be used as ingredients for medicines.

This fruit has many benefits for the health of the body with many nutritional content. The content contained in this fruit such as antioxidant content, polyphenols, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, flavonoids, phenol acids, and beta carotene. Content that is very good for health, therefore the fruit has tremendous benefits for health, then what are the benefits and efficacy of this kenitu, the following information.

Fruit Kenitu, Benefits Kenitu, Benefits Kenitu

1. Maintain skin beauty
Inside the fruit kenitu contain antioxidants that are useful to maintain the beauty of the skin, prevent signs of premature aging.

2. Strengthens bones and teeth
Inside this fruit contained several compounds such as calcium. These compounds are able to make strong bones and teeth and certainly more healthy body.

3. Overcoming diarrhea
Not only its fruit alone that has benefits and properties for the body turns the seeds on this fruit also has the extraordinary benefits of this fruit seed can be used as a diarrheal disease healer. The trick is easy to break the skin of the seeds, then boiled with enough water, then strain the water and drink regularly.

4. Lower blood sugar levels
In addition, this fruit leaf was very powerful to help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Simply by boiling some of the leaves, then filter the water and drink regularly.

5. Boost immunity
In the fruit kenitu also rich in antioxidants that are useful to maintain the beauty of the skin, prevent signs of premature aging, but this fruit is also useful to help prevent free radicals that cause dangerous diseases by increasing our immune system.

6. Has enough fiber content
This fruit also contains many fibers, of course, can meet the fiber intake for the body. Consume kenitu will feel full faster and can avoid the stomach rumbling. Because in this fruit there is enough fiber content.

7. Can be used as an anti-inflammatory in the state of laryngitis and pneumonia
Ripe fruit can also be used as an anti-inflammatory in the state of laryngitis and pneumonia and can also be used as a treatment of diabetes mellitus.

8. Suitable for diet program

The fruit also contains a variety of substances that are very important to support the health of the body. This fruit is perfect if used as a snack for those who run the diet program. Because not only low in calories, fat content in this fruit is very little. So do not worry if consuming fruit kenitu in large quantities will not cause obesity.

9. Protect digestive health
It is also known to be rich in water and natural fiber that is believed to be effective in digesting the system and helping to cool the throat.

10. Reduce pain during menstruation
Inside this fruit there is calcium which is believed to be useful as a tooth booster and bone. Calcium content is also very functional to reduce the risk of the syndrome-the syndrome will certainly interfere at the time of menstruation, therefore the calcium also serves to reduce pain at the time of menstruation.

In addition to the 10 benefits and efficacy of the fruit kenitu for health above, there are other kinds of benefits of such fruit and of course that you must know, Here are the benefits:

8 Benefits and Benefits of Other Fruits:
Can Control High Blood Pressure
Reduce Sputum And Treat Cough
Powerful Strengtheners for Men
Lowering Cancer Risk
Reducing Rheumatic Signs And Muscle Pain
Drugs For Hypertension
Medication For Coronary Heart Disease
Can Solve Problems On Bowel
That is 18 benefits and efficacy Fruit kenitu for the health of the body you need to know, May be useful to increase your knowledge in maintaining your health and consume healthy fruits, and a healthy lifestyle will benefit you in the future.

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