Kangkung ?, who does not know him? .. People generally consider kangkung as food that can make sleepy. Is it true ?, then whether there are other benefits of water spinach for health?
Kangkung is well known in many parts of the world with various names, including Kangkong (Thailand), Kangkung (Vietnam and Indonesia), Cancun, Water spinach (UK), Weng Cai (China) Water morning glory, River spinach, Water convolvulus, Swamp Cabbage, Chinese spinach, etc. Kangkung is included in the family of kangkung-kangkung-Convolvulaceae, which is a plant that grows very fast and easy to live.
It has the scientific name Ipomoea aquatica, is a tropical plant whose media lives in water and moist soil.
Kangkung also easily flourish subtropical region, but often found in the area Aia southeast. In Indonesia in particular or in south-east Asia in general, kangkung is a popular food, and is found in most cuisines. Leaves and stems of young kale tip can be eaten raw as a salad, or cook as vegetables and stir-fry.
Kale contains good nutrition such as vitamin A, B, C, phosphorus, iron, fiber, selenium, amino acids, and calcium.
Benefits and benefits of kale for health:
Overcoming insomnia
Kangkung contain sedative elements, meaning it can make people drowsy and make it able to sleep soundly. This is because selenium and zinc contained therein can make the nerves sag and relax. The more relaxed our nerves, the sleep will be more sound.
However, for people who will start the activity, should not excessive mengonsumsinya.
Anti toxin and Prevent constipation:
Kangkung has anti-poisonous properties, so it is useful to relieve pain ulcers, to skin care. It also relieves constipation, because kale also high in fiber.
Contains iron
In general, people know spinach to increase iron intake naturally. But if you consume kale, you will also get the same benefits.
This water vegetable offers you about 2.5mg of iron per 100 grams, so it is good to add hemoglobin so it can prevent or reduce anemia.
Anti diabetes mellitus
The extracted kangkung was a good help for diabetes mellitus. This is because the substance in the kale extract can absorb the excess sugar in the blood.
Watercress is very much contain vitamin C, so it is an excellent antidote to influenza attack. Even it is known that the content of vitamin C in kangkung higher than fruits.
Healthy eyesight
Kale also very high vitamin A, which is a nutrient that is needed for the health of our eyes. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is useful to ward off free radical attack on the cornea of our eyes. If you do not want to suffer from cataracts, or degeneration of the elderly, as well as other eye health disorders, multiply the consumption of natural vitamin A, including from kale source.
Anti parasitic intestine
Spinach consumed raw kangkung when eaten raw can remove fasciolopsis buski, namely parasitic worms in human intestines and animals that can cause fasciolopsiasis.
Pregnant and lactating mothers:
Kangkung is considered safe if consumed by pregnant and lactating women. And actually in India kale also used to treat diabetes during pregnancy.
Liver health or liver
According to research, kale is said to prevent liver damage. This is associated with the effects of chemical compounds in spinach that contribute to modulation in detoxifying enzymes and antioxidants as well as free radical effects.
Benefits for medicine
Kangkung as a poultice to overcome skin diseases such as ringworm, scabies, etc.
Kangkung as a relief for poisoning, which helps regurgitate people who are poisoned.
Kale juice mixed with water to compress the fever.
Decoction of water Kangkung can to treat constipation.Kangkung can to treat worms
To treat jaundice and liver problems.
Kale leaves can help to treat diabetes in pregnant women.Kale is also used as a remedy to help relax and sleep.
Thus the efficacy and benefits of kangkung for our health. But for people with uric acid, should not much or often consume kale.
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