Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

Terong Ungu Benefit

Terong Ungu or Purple Eggplant is a kind of eggplant that has purple skin. This type of aubergine has a delicious flavor and is suitable cooked balado eggplant sauce. The purple eggplant has a thicker skin than the green eggplant. But precisely because of this, when fried for balado actually adds to the sensation.

As if the skin can be peeled. Benefits of Eggplant Purple for health there are indeed many. This eggplant is believed to increase stamina and stimulate antibodies to move more actively in fighting disease. In addition, this vegetable is also powerful as an antioxidant that will prevent you from various infections and impaired nutrient absorption. Benefit of purple eggplant, purple eggplant type, purple eggplant nutritional content Eggplant Purple does have a more stinging smell than green eggplants. Utilization as a food ingredient was more monotonous.

However, this vegetable really a lot of nutritional content that you love to miss. Well below we have presented various benefits of purple eggplant for health:

1. Treating Stomach Pain The benefits of purple eggplant are believed to be effective for treating stomach pain. With these vegetables, various abdominal pain will decrease slowly. Both abdominal pain due to ulcers or others will be healed.

2. Controlling Stomach Acid So Not Excessive Eggplant Purple is also believed to be able to control the production of your stomach acids. So as not to overdo it. With this vegetable, then your body is no longer tormented because of rising stomach acid. Do not underestimate the rise of stomach acid because of this danger. Moreover, gastritis or gastric disease is usually it will happen to life.

3. Reduce the Symptoms of Premature Disease The most pronounced symptoms of premature aging are changing the skin becomes duller, wrinkles appear on the face and become more difficult to think and often forget. To prevent premature aging turns purple eggplant can be relied upon. Your brain memory will also be better able to accommodate information so it is not easy to forget.

4. Improving the sharpness of the Eyeball The sharpness of the eyeballs can be tricked by eating a lot of eggplant. The benefits of this vegetable can indeed improve the sharpness of the eyeball. With this fruit vegetable, you are no longer blindly neglected and you no longer feel the disturbances associated with the visual nerve.

5. Improving Digestive Health Benefits of Eggplant Purple is also believed to improve digestive health. With this vegetable, then your body is no longer subject to various problems associated with the digestive tract. In addition, nutrient absorption is also much better because the intestines run well.
6. Raise the Fertility of Men and Women The efficacy of purple eggplant is believed to boost male and female fertility. With these vegetables, your body and your partner will be able to produce better hormones. Quality of sex will be more increased. And in the end happiness will be achieved.

7. Improving the Mood Mood can be fixed with purple eggplant. This purple eggplant is going to improve your mood. Because in the body has been produced many anti-stress hormones.

8. Regulate Triglyceride Levels The benefits of purple eggplant are also believed to regulate triglyceride levels. Nutritional content contained in eggplant is so powerful in lowering triglycerides which is a fat that is often regarded as the cause of diabetes.

9. Can Radiate Urine Eggplant Purple is also powerful in launching urine. You will be more fluent urine and do not feel pain anymore when urinating. Suitable for those with a history of urinary tract disease.

10. Contains Protein The benefits of purple eggplant are also abundant with protein. This fruit vegetable is good for muscle.

11. Have low calorie so good for health

12. Prevent and treat gout or Gout disease

13. Prevent leukemia cancer

14. To rejuvenate the skin

15. Prevent the occurrence of rheumatism or arthritis

16. Treating kidney and liver disorders

17. Treating gastrointestinal infections

18. Treating bladder disorders

19. Prevent hematemesis and melena

20. Maintain the health of the fetus and pregnant women

21. Make the heart healthy

22. Nourish the lungs

23. Maintain healthy skin and face

24. Maintaining kidney health

25. Maintain bone and teeth density

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