Kamis, 27 Juli 2017

Daun Katuk Benefit

Another name for katuk leaves is sauropus androgynus. This plant is well known all over the world with good benefits for the health of the body. In Indonesia, this plant is easily found in rural areas as a hedge plant and others. This plant is famous...
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Rabu, 26 Juli 2017

Daun Singkong Benefit

Daun singkong/ Cassava leaves are a kind of leaf that comes from the cassava plant. Cassava has been widely known as a delicious food that is usually processed by boiled or steamed. In addition to tubers, cassava is also popular with the leaves are...
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Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

Terong Ungu Benefit

Terong Ungu or Purple Eggplant is a kind of eggplant that has purple skin. This type of aubergine has a delicious flavor and is suitable cooked balado eggplant sauce. The purple eggplant has a thicker skin than the green eggplant. But precisely because...
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Rabu, 19 Juli 2017

Pakis Benefit

Pakis or Fern is one of the plants of the family of ferns. This fern was also quite delicious to be crawled. The best part to be crawled is the bud that is still bud. The benefits of fern vegetables is quite a lot, especially for the wnita must know...
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