Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Jamblang Fruit Benefit

Jamblang fruit or often called fruit of duwet is a plant of the guava tribe (Myrtaceae).
This plant has the Latin name Syzygium Cumini, at the same time it is now one of the rare plants that are rarely cultivated.
In some areas of Indonesia, this plant is known by various names, juwet or duwet (Java), jambu kalang (Minang), jambe kleng (Aceh)
Jamblang (Betawi and Sunda), dhuwak (Madura), raporapo jawa (Makasar), klayu (Sasak), alicopeng (Bugis), jambulan (Flores), jambula (Ternate) and so on.
While for abroad, jamblang fruit also has many names, including jambelang, duwet (Malaysia), Java plum (UK) and duhat (Philippines).

Various healing therapies can be done using this fruit. Here are some chemical content of jamblang fruit:
Compounds jambosin, alkaloid and also jambolin or antimelin glycosides are compounds capable of inhibiting the conversion of diastatic starch into sugar.
This is why jamblang fruit is one of the natural herbs for diabetics.
Flavonoids and antioxidant compounds found high enough in jamblang fruit. This compound is useful to ward off cancer-free radicals.
That's why many people use jamblang as a natural anti-cancer herbal. It is also able to protect anti-oxidant enzymes.
The content of phenolic compounds is quite high with the activity of anti oxidants are also quite high.
Other nutritional content such as salt, sugar, calcium, protein, minerals and vitamin C. Various nutrients show that fruit jamblang also provide properties to increase endurance.
Other chemical compounds are also quite abundantly found in jamblang fruit such as essential oils, dark red resins rich in the content of elagat acid, organic acids, tannins and triterpenoids.
In addition to the above compounds, the natural anthocyanin dye becomes the main substance in the skin of the purple fruit. Thus jamblang fruit was also suitable as a source of natural dyes that are safer to use

Nutritional content and chemical compounds make jamblang fruit also has a lot of health benefits, some of these properties include the following:

  1. Anti diabetic .Compounds such as jambosin, alkaloid and jambolin glycosides in jamblang fruit into anti diabetic compounds that work to help break down sugar into energy so that blood sugar levels are more stable and diabetes will not happen. Jamblang is used as a natural ingredient of diabetes medicine that can help prevent or treat diabetics.
  2. Anti cancer. The high levels of anti-oxidants present in the fruit of jamblang cause this fruit to be one of the most sought after anti-cancer herbs. Later anti-oxidants will work binding free radical cells that are the triggers of the growth of cancer.
  3. cells in the body. Anti oxidants that exist in jamblang fruit there are also some, such as polyphenols and anthocyanins.
  4. Maintain heart health. High potassium content in jamblang fruit causes this fruit is very well consumed by those who want to have a healthy heart condition. In every 100 grams of fruit jamblang will contain as much as 55 mg of potassium. In addition to helping maintain heart health, this element will also be helpful to prevent the occurrence of stroke and high blood pressure.
  5. Improve immunity. Jamblang fruit has a variety of nutrients and vitamins that help boost the immune system. Some of these nutrients are like salt, sugar, calcium, protein, minerals and vitamin C. When the body starts to feel feverish, fruit jamblang suitable consumed to prevent the occurrence of fever.
  6. Maintain skin beauty. Jamblang fruit is rich in antioxidant compounds and vitamin C that will help the formation of collagen in the skin.Therefore, consuming jamblang fruit will help take care of the skin will look more youthful and beautiful.
  7. As an anti-bacterial. Jamblang fruit is also proven to kill various bacteria during diarrhea, the occurrence of mouth infections, skin infections and so forth. This fruit has anti-bacterial compounds that are effective enough to kill bacteria in the body. Because of the abundance of nutrients in jamblang, this plant also has additional properties such as overcome the problem of digestion, asthma, throat problems, dental and gum problems, destroying bad cholesterol, overcoming cough, cure stomach pain and various other efficacy additions.

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