Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Kemayau Fruit Benefit

Kemayau ...! Dacryodes rostrata f. Cuspidata (Blume) HJLam is a synonym of Dacryodes rostrata (Blume) HJLam. This name is a synonym of Dacryodes rostrata (Blume) HJLam. Kemayau fruit is less well known by the people of Indonesia, in because fruit...
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Bayam Benefit

Who does not know spinach? Type of vegetables that have been popular in Indonesia has become a staple vegetable for lovers of vegetables to be enjoyed. Various kinds of processed foods and beverages you can make by using these vegetables. The housewives...
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Kemang Fruit Benefit

Kemang fruit is a rare fruit that is rarely found today. Although rare, it turns out that this fruit has benefits and benefits are good for health. Kemang fruit comes from the region according to its name, which is Kemang, West Java. This fruit is included...
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Kelubi / Salak Hutan Fruit Benefit

Types of fruits emang spelled out a lot, One of them comes from the type of fruit kelubi.Diantara we may have never heard it even very strange in our ears, But for some people, Fruit juice is a staple commonly used as a flavoring cuisine and mix Sauce. Many...
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Kelendang Fruit Benefit

The fruit of a cocoon still sounds strange to the name of the fruit. This fruit is a typical fruit of Borneo that contains many benefits and properties for health. Keledang fruit tree height can reach 40 meters. This fruit looks like jackfruit with...
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Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Kecapi Fruit Benefit

The lute is a kind of fruit that is almost the same as the mangosteen fruit, only the color is different. The fruit is yellowish with a slightly darker look. The shape is small and also round has a large seed size. The lute includes fruit with a sweet...
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Jambu Bol Fruit Benefit

Guava is a type of guava fruit red color with a size large enough. This fruit is well known almost in all regions in Indonesia, even the mention of it in each region can vary. The Minangkabau people call guava bol with the name of jambu jambak. While...
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Jamblang Fruit Benefit

Jamblang fruit or often called fruit of duwet is a plant of the guava tribe (Myrtaceae). This plant has the Latin name Syzygium Cumini, at the same time it is now one of the rare plants that are rarely cultivated. In some areas of Indonesia, this...
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Gandaria Fruit Benefit

Gandaria fruit biasasa made as rujak and processed sambal gandaria. The fruit taste sweet and if you want to be eaten directly. Gandaria fruit is a small round shape similar to marbles. The seed of the gandaria of Purple color. Besides can be used for...
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Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

Gowok Fruit Benefit

The fruit of gowok or often referred to as kupa is the original fruit originated from Indonesia. This type of guava fruit has benefits and efficacy for the health of the body. The term for some regions in Indonesia can be different, such as beunyeur...
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Kenitu Fruit Benefit

The fruit is a fruit that resembles apples, but this unique fruit is very difficult to find if not in season. Scientifically this fruit has its name Chrysophyllum cainito, kenitu also commonly called the genitu, manicu, sawo manila and so forth. In...
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Ciplukan Fruit Benefit

You are born and grow in the 90s certainly not foreign alike ciplukan. Yes, ciplukan for children of the 90s in the villages is a natural fruit that can be obtained with free or free alias. Fruit with the name of Physalis angulata can be obtained free...
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Carica Fruit Beneit

The first fruit found in America in Indonesia alone only grows in Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, East Java. But there are some who have also found it in Bali. Because it only grows in Dieng Plateau, this fruit is hard to find and we are not easy to find it...
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Buni Fruit Benefit

If you know the fruit of Buni from indonesia just as a mixture of rujak uleg. It tastes sweet, sour, and tends to be sepat, making this red-purple fruit suitable as a complement to rujak. The fruit of Buni is the fruit of bacca, or berry, with the Latin...
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